Judy Hays
Judy learned to knit, crochet, and hand embroider at a very young age, and began garment sewing later in high school. Her love of quilting began with a bicentennial quilt kit from a magazine and has flourished ever since.
She loves to piece quilts using various methods and techniques, and is especially fond of traditional patterns and machine embroidered blocks.
Working at her local quilt store since 2008, she fell in love with Handi Quilter longarm machines and all they can do to help her finish quilts faster. Since her previous career was in computer networking, Judy was especially drawn to the Pro-Stitcher® and its endless design possibilities. She quilts with a HQ Infinity® with Pro-Stitcher, and loves to design quilting patterns using the Pro-Stitcher simulator. Helping new quilters gain confidence in their quilting skills and finding their own passion is extremely rewarding for Judy.
Judy lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado, with her husband, Bill, who “aids and abets” her quilting passion. She and Bill have two married sons, two grandsons and one granddaughter.
Facebook: Judy Hays