What began as a hobby in the 70's has morphed into a passion for all things quilty. Over the years, my passion/obsession has provided warmth for friends and family as well as family heirlooms.
Back in 2005, (after thumbing my nose at machine quilting) I purchased a Handi Quilter mid-arm quilting machine. Needless to say, my quilt production sky-rocketed! I do still quilt by hand and piece by hand (crazy about HEXIES!) and even have combined hand and machine quilting.
Fast forward to 2016 and I was given the opportunity to open a quilt shop at the American Countryside Farmers Market which re-opened in August 2016. In the meantime, God was working in the background setting in motion a new opportunity that I just couldn't pass up.
That opportunity came in the form of Ros & Don Stoffell. They were the owners of The Quilt Shop at the Essenhaus. Having ran the shop for the last 11 years, they had reached the season in their life where they were ready to enjoy their ever growing family of grandchildren. Because they had been so richly blessed by God, they wanted to pass those blessings on to someone else. That someone is me! I took possession of the shop January 1, 2017 and have never looked back. I pray that I'll be able to continue the Stoffell's tradition of excellent service and provision of quality, locally handmade quilted items and gifts.
Stop by the shop sometime and take a look at what we have in stock. Also, we will be listing alot of our unique quilts and items on the web for those that are too far to visit our shop in Middlebury.
I hope that you can find something here on this site to help you realize your quilting dreams. Please, if there is something that you would like to see in the store, let me know!